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Animal Behavior

I started my career thinking that I wanted to specialize in the study of animal behavior. I did some graduate work in zoology at the University of Maine, and I was a member of the Animal Behavior Society for more than 25 years. During my early years as a faculty member at Knox College, I taught a course in animal behavior.
















For whatever reasons, my interests in studying animals changed to an interest in the study of evolution in general and humans in particular. Consequently, I have not done much actual research with animals, although I remain a faithful consumer of such work. I do not teach my animal behavior course anymore, but I still get to talk about it quite a bit in my "Evolution and Human Behavior" course.   I also stay involved by being a regular member of animal behavior honors thesis committees in the Knox Biology Department.  My few publications resulting from work done with animals mostly occurred early in my career and they can be seen below.


McAndrew, F. T. (2017, January). Getting Over Rover: Why Our Grief Over a Dog is so Intense. In Out of the Ooze; Navigating the 21st Century with a Stone Age Mind.  Psychology Today Magazine. This article also appeared in many other publications, including The Conversation, IFL Science, The Houston Chronicle, Alternet, Associated Press, San Antonio Express-News, Quartz, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, SPAG Magazine, mamamia, The Observer, The Telegraph, Business Mirror, Business Insider, & YourTango.

McAndrew, F.T.(1989, November). Why apes have eyebrows: Evolution and human nonverbal communication. Invited colloqium presented at the University of Scranton, Scranton, Pennsylvania.


McAndrew, F.T.(1984). Comparative psychology, ethology, and external validity: Does it always matter if the snark is a boojum? Comparative Psychology Newsletter, 4, 1-4.


Hodosh, R.J., Ringo, J., & McAndrew, F.T.(1979). Density and lek displays in Drosophila grimshawi. Ethology: International Journal of Behavioural Biology, 49, 164-172.


McAndrew, F.T.(1978). Memory disruption in mice following immersion in cold water. Journal of General Psychology, 99, 151-152.

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