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Francis T. McAndrew
Social Psychologist
Module 3
The Biology of Behavior
Assigned Reading: Chapter Three in Kalat's Introduction to Psychology
Click on the following Links to access the study materials for Module 3. I suggest you look at them in order and then go back as needed. Be sure that you are in "Slide Show" mode when viewing the PPT slides - otherwise you will not be able to hear the narration.
Neurons & the Nervous System (PPT)
(Click HERE for the video version)
Brain Structure & Function (PPT)
(Click HERE for the video version)
The Hemispheres of the Brain (PPT)
(Click HERE for the video version)

Neuroanatomy: Dissection of the Human Brain
The Story of Phineas Gage
Split-Brain Patient (Joe)
Man with Visual Agnosia
Woman with Prosopagnosia
The Case of Clive Wearing - Anterograde Amnesia
Click HERE to download a fascinating reading about Neglect Syndrome
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